In the Wild!

 A Nighttime Visitor

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Yesterday, I spotted a handsome Blue-Jay perched on the birdfeeder, and decided to put some peanuts out for it, as those are my Floridian Blue-Jay’s favorite treat.  The squirrels quickly spotted the nuts, and began to hide them around the yard, which was a nice to see as the Blue-Jay’s eating them.


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“I like peanuts!”


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“I wish I had some water.”


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Last night, on my way to the kitchen, I spotted something on the back stoop, and called Kate to have a look.  She turned on the outdoor lights, and found two raccoons, enjoying the Blue-Jay’s peanuts, the larger raccoon, chased the smaller away, and feasted; after he took off, the smaller one came back for a late-night snack.

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What a ball of fluff — Kate wanted to pet him — I know, I told her, he is wild!

With most wildlife in Maine, if we go into the Florida Room, the animals tend to run off, but not in this case.  Not only did the raccoons let us watch and photograph them, they actually engaged Kate, as she tapped on the glass door, and they reacted to her voice.  She got as close to them as possible and photographed with true delight.

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As you may know, Kate’s penchant for raccoons goes back to her childhood. 


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Kate and her pet raccoon, Arnold


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Cute big tail!

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