The ThatIsAllForNow Family Photo Album Part III

My heart is overflowing with happiness!  Of the many things which I love about That Is All For Now, the Family (not just the biological family, but all of the people that I write about) Photo Albums are one of my favorite features.  While not included in the Mobile site, it is still accessible on the phone, by going to the .com site, thus wherever I am, I can always look at the people that I love — God bless technology!

As I embark on Part III, I am going to continue to add old photographs that mean something to me, and maybe one or two that will matter to you, and pictures that capture today.  I hope you continue to enjoy our journey.



Celebrating my sister, Joy’s birthday.



Me and my sisters, Joy and Caroline – Christmas Eve 2020



Thaddaeus picking out which of Kate’s stuffies he wanted to take home.



A new use for a cup holder



Kate and Annaka



Could Miss Annaka be any more amazing?



Annaka, me, Enoch; photo by Beth Jillian



The kids with their Pooh mugs, which went home with them



Thaddaeus, Enoch, and Annaka, waiting for Kate to take them for a ride



Kate taking the kids for a ride



Thaddaeus and Kyle, the first time Thaddaeus drove



The children and Kate in the pool



Kate, Beth, Enoch, Thaddaeus (his back is turned), Annaka, Kyle



Kate, me, Enoch, Thaddaeus, and Annaka



The children and me, no visit is complete without watching Monsters Inc.



Happy 8th Birthday Annaka!



Adeline and Nic



Thaddaeus, Jenevieve, and Annaka



Thaddaeus, Enoch, Kate, Jenevieve, and Annaka



Patri, Marcialito, Adriana, and Marcial



Marcial, Patty, Adriana, and Marcial, celebrating Adriana’s birthday in Maine



Kate, Marcial, Patty, Adriana, and Marcial, at the Portland Museum of Art, 2019



Kate and most of the Children



Miss Lucy and Master Isaac



My great-nephew Isaac, eating an Oreo



Miss Lucy and Doug



Joy, Beth and Allison



Miss Annaka at play



Miss Jenevieve



Caroline, me, and Joy



Adeline and Joy



Alfred, Kate, me and Joy; Thanksgiving 2019



The Ned Smiths and Joy



Celebrating my birthday with Blanch, Kate, me, and Christine



Miss Annaka in the foreground, Allison behind her, I am holding Adeline, next to me is Jenevieve, Thaddaeus is in front of her, and Joy is to the right. In Maine



Me with Adeline and Jenevieve



Me and the Smithies looking at the stars



Enoch, Annaka, Thaddaeus, and Kate – Because I can



Annaka and Thaddaeus, playing in our backyard



Master Enoch



The Smith children and me, in our pool in Maine



Master Enoch!



Kate, Marcial, and Adriana!  In Florida



Linda and Marcial!  In Florida



Kate and Marcial having just set up Linda’s table!  In Florida



Thaddaeus, Annaka, Kate, Kyle, Enoch, and Beth, at the Smith’s favorite restaurant. In Maine



Sucell and Glenda, Las Vegas



Kate and Shahnaz in California



Jill and Shahnaz in California



Nancy and Kate in Ohio



Kate and Char, her mom; the last pictures they took together.



Charlotte working on her iPad



Kate and Charlotte at the Club


My Messenger skills continue to be challenged; I can no longer find the message from the man who sent me these two photographs of my Father, thus I cannot give him credit. But I nevertheless say thank you. They were photographs taken when my Father preached at his church in Ohio.



Thaddaeus the Brave!



Enoch, Annaka, and Kate, working on the campfire



Okay, just Because I can



Annaka, Kate, and Thaddaeus, getting a fire going



King of his world!



The Smiths at play



Enoch in the backyard



Happy Birthday to Kate!



Kate, Thelma, and Demi



Marcial, Adriana, Patty, and Marcialito, at Patty’s Doctorial Graduation!



Marcial, Patty, Adriana, and Marcialito



Me, Patty, and Kate



Kate and Mary



Celebrating Marcial’s birthday, a few years back, joined by Inez, Adriana’s mother



Happy 21st Christine!  In florida



Annaka literally said to me, “I wonder if I can ride backwards.”

I of course said no, she proved me wrong!  In Maine



Annaka, the Fearless, getting comfortable with her new bike



My Father’s sister, my Aunt Carmen in Cuba



Beth and Kate, Long Beach, California, and the inspiration for the following two photos, 1989



Allison, I love this picture — same hallway, as above Long Beach, California



Annaka and Kate, Maine, 2019



Thaddaeus and Kate, Maine, 2019



Beth, and her three amazing and fearless children, Enoch, Annaka, and Thaddaeus, Maine, 2019



Annaka, Maine, 2019



Annaka and Thaddaeus, Portland, Maine 2019



Annaka, Kate, Thaddaeus, Enoch, and Beth, Portland, Maine, 2019



Photo of me, taken by Kate, in the Keys, Florida, 2019, stopping to capture the sunset



I love this picture of Kate and Anne Gunning!



A Happy Thanksgiving throwback, Mother, Juan, Joy, Beth, Dough, Caroline, and Hannah



Beth and Allison, unplanned sleep over, Long Beach, California



Mother and Daddy, 1956



Chuck, Pico Rivera, California, 1979, because he wishes me a Happy Birthday (I have to say, I really want to post the back of the photo, as well, but shall control myself.)



Allison and Kate, Whittier, California, 1993



First picture I took of Tim



Adrienne helping Kate blow out her birthday candles, Lyman, Maine, 1997



Joy, holding Beth, and Curly, Pico Rivera, California, 1983



Kate, playing at the Grand Canyon, Arizona, 1989



Laurie and Kate, skiing at Otsego, Michigan



Mary C. and Adriene



Daddy, in Adriana, Michigan, December 13, 1969 — not in our home, love how his suite matches the tree



Aunt Helen, me, Phil, Melanie, Kate, and Mother — around 1995



Mother, holding me, Daddy, holding Joy



The only picture I have of John, we are at Versailles, Peter took the photo



My third grade school picture.


11 Responses to The ThatIsAllForNow Family Photo Album Part III

  1. Marcial Barros on December 9, 2019 at 8:31 pm

    Recordar es volver a vivir. Thanks Jill!

  2. Editor on December 10, 2019 at 10:57 am

    What lovely words Marcial; I could not agree more.

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