In the Wild!

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Blue Jays in my Orchid Garden


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It was my Aunt Helen who first made me aware of blue jays.  After my Uncle Paul had a stroke, and was left with limited mobility, she began to put peanuts under the awnings, of their home in Florida, for the blue jays to harvest – much to the delight of my Uncle, who spent endless hours watching the beautifully colored birds, swoop in for their supper!


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“Let me take a look.”


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“I see you.”


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“But I am going in. . . “


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” . . . and I am off.”


I have often heard people speak of the blue jays as being mean or too aggressive, I have not found them to be either, instead, I find them entirely entertaining and rather intelligent.


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One Response to In the Wild!

  1. Can you see him? on April 20, 2015 at 12:05 am

    […] Yesterday, I spotted a handsome Blue-Jay perched on the birdfeeder, and decided to put some peanuts out for it, as those are my Floridian Blue-Jay’s favorite treat.  The squirrels quickly spotted the nuts, and began to hide them around the yard, which was a nice to see as the Blue-Jay’s eating them. […]

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