Poet’s Corner

A Good Life

You are right

I know

you do not hear that often enough

to please you

but this time

you are right

chocolate cream pie in Missoula

on the 4th of July is no small thing

nor is the Fiddler on the Roof

on Broadway

or a flyover of military jets

as we stroll Normandy beach

the Alamo and the Queen Mary at midnight

were they lit up just for us

or waking up to a deserted beach

on the Gulf of Mexico

in the little red truck

tango classes in Buenos Aires

getting lost in Uruguay

driving on the Autobahn

and in Tijuana

chasing down alcapurrias in Puerto Rico

and old homes in Delano and Winslow

reflecting at the U.S.S. Arizona

and Shanksville

the Pentagon

and New York City

which is finally ours as well

did we imagine any of this

and so much more

in the small tent that was our home

from so many nights spent at rest stops

to making it into the Towers of the Waldorf

before they said goodbye

you are right

it has been a good life

~ Cristina Jill Mosqueda ~

June 4th, 2018


One Response to Poet’s Corner

  1. Paul Amador on June 4, 2018 at 8:07 pm

    What a beautiful tribute. The world needs more people like you and Kate.

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