
In the Garden

October 20, 2010
In the Garden

Wildlife in the Garden One of the pleasures of the garden is watching the creatures which have made it home.  While I have yet to master wildlife photography, below are a few shots of the many animals which either make our garden their home, or drop by for a visit! Not pictured are the...
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In the Garden

September 10, 2010

Anthuriums     When I was eleven years old, we moved to Hawaii, at the time, the entire island felt like a garden, my garden – the bounty was endless, thus I could dig up taro plants and make poi, string plumeria’s together, creating my very own leis, and pick endless bouquets of Anthuriums,...
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In the Garden

August 16, 2010

Magnolias     This ubiquitous tree pleasantly dots not only the South but many other parts of the country, always inspiring, at least in me, a bit of wonder, and a desire to touch the soft, cushiony petals of the large flowers.       While the trees are usually very large, providing ample...
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In the Garden

July 18, 2010
In the Garden

  Only Orchids   We are in those dog days of summer, longing for cooler nights.  The winds start to pick-up, and the trees sway in step.  As if God has heard my cries, the rains suddenly begin.  The clouds burst open with giant drops, but it is only a passing shower – just...
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In the Garden

June 19, 2010

Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings Home and Garden       Driving in Cross Creek, Florida, I spotted an orange, on a tree – I had to stop! So much of our citrus, in South Florida was forciably removed, trying to stem some invassive bug or detrimental disease, that it is rare to find what was once...
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In the Garden

May 26, 2010
In the Garden

    “Just living is not enough, said the butterfly.  One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.”  ~ Hans Christian Andersen ~   I left home in the midst of winter, and returned to find spring. Our mid-afternoon rains have returned.  For some reason my wild ducks come to roost, on the...
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