From the Editor


An Open Letter To All Who Cannot Forgive Common Core, Immigration, Gay Marriage . . .

We Need A War Time Consiglieri

“. . . He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.”

~ John 8:7 KJV Bible Gateway ~

I watch the evening news, and I feel like sanity is the first causality, of the world’s current state of affairs.  How ISIS, Al – Qaeda, Boko Haram, and all of their appendages, including Lone Wolfs are being permitted to murder Muslims, Jews, and Christians, terrorize nations, all over the world, entice children from their home, to join militant radicals, eradicate borders, create a general sense of instability and destroy ancient historical relics at will, is more than I can understand or accept.  We are at war, whether we want to be or not and we need a war time consiglieri.

Last week, I ran into someone I had not seen in a while, who I know is likeminded, in general, when it comes to politics.  I asked him if he was excited, energized, and hopeful about the prospects of the coming election, a smile parted his lips, after what for him had clearly been a very long and exhaustive day.  “I am” he said, with a slight change of tone, in his voice.  Though we were in a room of politically compatible souls, I do not believe that was the only reason the conversation opened up, regarding the possibilities of “change” in 2016, in terms of who will occupy the White House.

I think my friends are spilt between conservatives and liberals, including some who self-identify with some other adjective attached to those two words, distinguishing them as being more staunch or committed than an ordinary conservative or liberal.  Of late, amongst those who are engaged in such matters, what both sides share is a sense of desperation, regarding not only the state of affairs in the United States, but our role in the world.

Recently, I was admonished, that as the old adage, ‘one should never discuss politics or religion’ should still stand; I of course disagreed.  Not only do I believe that it is important to maintain a dialogue of ideas, but I have two burning questions:

First, do Democrats have buyers remorse, when it comes to President Obama, especially given his policy with Israel, not to mention his lack of “transparency” and secondly, are Conservatives sufficiently worried about the “bigger picture” to put aside what I consider issues which should be addressed state by state?  Yes, I do want to know your opinion.

The last two presidential elections, in the United States, were, in my opinion, lost by the Republican Party, more so than won by the Democratic Party.  The Republican base was not energized by either Senator McCain’s campaign or Governor Romany’s.  Repeatedly, I heard Christian men say that they would not vote for a woman, with McCain’s ticket, and Christian’s in general, say they would not vote for a Mormon – an over simplification of why “The Party Faithful” did not get out the vote or in many cases vote themselves, but nevertheless, a fact.  As we look at the state of affairs, I would like to call on all of us to figure out what matters most to America, in this coming election.

Recently, I asked a very liberal friend, if she had heard Senator Marco Rubio’s address, in the Congress regarding Israel.  She immediately scoffed, certain Senator Rubio could not possibly have anything to say that would interest her, as being pro-choice is a central issue to her, which Senator Rubio, will never be.  Her entire life she has proudly cast her vote for the Democratic Party, and I feel fairly certain, I am one of only two Republicans that she tolerates, well, I know she loves me, despite my political views.  As the evening continued, she repeatedly returned the address, which I had asked her about.  “What did he say?  Where did you hear it?  I suppose you have it on facebook?”  We continued to discuss the speech, Israel, and as hard as it was for her to admit, her deep disappointment in President Obama’s treatment of Prime Minister Netanyahu.

I felt bad, having broached the subject of President Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahu with her, but for me, the issue was too important to not explore.  Over the next several days, she admitted to being shocked, hurt, and sad over how her President, who she had proudly voted for, had treated not only Prime Minister Netanyahu but Israel and Jews in general.

Somehow, people are no longer even embarrassed to be anti-Semitic and hatred of Israel appears to be in fashion.  Can a life-long Democrat, as liberal as liberal can be, bring herself to vote for a Republican, who though pro-life, against gay marriage, and against amnesty is not only pro-Israel, but willing to publically denounce the current White House for shamefully disrespecting Prime Minister Netanyahu?

More importantly, perhaps, can a pro-life, against gay marriage, against amnesty Conservative, put aside a candidate’s pro-Common Core or pro-Amnesty stance, and vote for them, because they understand that we need a leader, who is not afraid to take their place on the world stage, and commit American resources to fighting an enemy who has brought the battlefield to the streets of Massachusetts, to the workplace in Oklahoma, to the Military bases in Texas, and into at least more than a few of our dinner tables?

These are the questions, which keep me up at night.  Can this mishmash of blue and white states and Liberal and Conservative identities, come together to elect a president who will ensure that terrorist will lose their strongholds and order be restored?  Or will our own infighting lead to videos of decapitations and immolations becoming so common that we no longer cringe, at these barbaric practices?

A few weeks ago, I listened to a very brilliant young man, who will soon be graduating from high school, and going on to the university, briefly speak of the evils of Common Core, from his first-hand experience.  Truly, I hate how intrusive government has become, and I feel certain, that if I had children, in the public schools, I might well be even more against the notion that local school boards directives are coming from Washington D.C., instead of the parents who elected the board and who are trying to protect their children; however, I believe this issue can and should be addressed by the states.

Also, I am old enough to remember President Ronald Regan’s decision to offer Amnesty to illegal aliens, in 1986, and to remember that America did not fall apart because 2.9 million people were able to send their children to school legally, go to work legally, and pay taxes.

I am also the daughter of an immigrant, grant it, he had the wisdom to fall in love and marry an American citizen, long before leaving his homeland would become an issue, thus immigrated legally; but what if he had not had that good fortune?  This in no way means that I am in favor of our current unprotected boarders or the coyotes who torture, rape, beat, and financially bleed people who are trying to make a better life for themselves; but I do believe that our current handling of illegal immigrants does not work, and needs to be fixed.  The question is, however, is illegal immigration our most important problem?  I do not think so.

Finally, gay marriage – my dear conservative friends, that ship has sailed, and it is not coming back into port. Thirty-seven states now allow gay marriage, and the Supreme Court, will release a ruling on the Constitutionality, of the issue, this summer.  Does anyone believe they are going to say that the thousands of gay marriages, already performed, are illegal?

We have a lot on our plate, and all of it matters to more than a few of our citizens – tax reform, crime, racial conflicts, the economy, housing, socialized medicine . . . , it really is a long and valid list of concerns.  What I would like to propose, to all of you, as we enter this election cycle, is that we remember that there is perhaps more at stake, in this election, than at any time in the last seventy or so years; and please not disregard an electable candidate based on a single issue, which can be addressed in a different forum, there is too much on the line.

I have not yet chosen my candidate, though I am leaning toward Senator Rubio, as I admire his firm stance on Israel, of course, but also the leadership he has shown regarding international issues.  However, a few months ago, I was hoping for a Governor Jeb Bush – Senator Marco Rubio ticket, today, I must say I am listening with great interest to what Senator Ted Cruz has to say, and want to hear more from most of the people, who are toying with the idea of seeking my trust and the right to lead this nation; there are some, like Secretary Hillary Clinton, whose position have already been made clear, and who I will not consider – I take umbrage with how she dealt with what happened to the Americans serving in Benghazi.

The race is on, and it gives me hope; but also pause – we have been called to elect the next president, it is a big responsibility.  Yes, by all means, let us debate, let us educate, and let us question; but do not let us aid our enemy in destroying what American democracy represents.  That is all for now.

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