Rod McKuen

Rod McKuen


“. . . I stand ready yet again

To learn a new geography

If that becomes

a necessary thing to do.


there’s certain sureness

in the dark parts of the house,

for you’re still hiding there.”

 01-29-2015 10;42;44PM


Rod McKuen was the first poet that I discovered, on my own, and the author of the first book of poems, which I purchased.  I was in seventh grade, and I fell widely and deeply in love with his words.  Tonight, watching the 6:30 news, I learned of his passing away, today.

I suppose I have reached the age where those who influenced my life in the 70’s are coming to the end of their life; I cannot help but feel a bit sorrowful.

Strangely, it was not until I heard the news of his death, that I found he was on facebook, how incredibly odd the accessibility of this day and age.

I share with you a few of his words, which touched my teenage heart, and bid Mr. McKuen farewell.


Water Over Stones


I know that death is not so proud

that it will pass my door

leaving me to sort out for myself

departure date and schedules

for the train to Styx

or just which chariot will knock me down

with the narrow alley or the busy street

then carry me to heaven by the shortest route.

So I am ready.


I have dwelt upon the death of friends

in private

missing public funerals and memorials

(the chance to beat my breast before the crowd

And shout aloud, Ah, woe, Ah, me!)

Ah men, Ah women, Amen is what I said

But privately

when friends betrayed me with their deaths.


I will go down death’s road alone

and hope to leave behind but one memorial –

a lifeless body that did not acquaint itself

With compromise.


~ Rod McKuen~



October 3rd

If you had listened hard enough

you might have heard

what I meant to say.


~ Rod McKuen ~





I’ve drawn your face

on tablecloths

across the country.

Tracing your smile

with my index finger,

making your hair just so.

Till now you’re more

what I want you to be

than what you are.

I can paint your eyes

and say there is where I live

for twenty minutes and more.

I order grapefruit

and pay for ruined napkins.

And between the morning

and the evening

I draw your face

a little fainter every day.


~ Rod McKuen ~

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