Perfect Post Cards – Picture and a Thousand Words

Thanksgiving is Upon Us



“Pilgrim Houses and Mayflower II near Plymouth Rock”


This post card from Plymouth, Massachusetts is not extraordinary, in and of its own.  It shows replicas of pilgrim homes and the ship they sailed to their New World on; a fine way to wish that you may find a moment to be thankful, on your way to a Happy Thanksgiving, but that is not the reason I share it with you.




I must admit it was the Voice of America stamp, which initially made me ever so excited, when I saw this card.   As I read the writing, on the back, I was quite taken by how the card is addressed to a Major Alexander Hamilton, and the salutation is: Dear Cousin, and is signed Best Wishes Cousin Arthur K.  For a moment, I thought about the sense of humor, of parents who would name their child, after such an illustrious American hero, but before mocking anyone, I googled the Major and found that he is related to the historic Hamilton’s who are related to the historic Bushes of Kennebunkport, Maine – so much to wonder about, as you hopefully prepare for next weeks celebrations. 


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