From the Editor

Wishing You a Happy and Well Lit New Year


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Last Christmas, I looked out the side door, and saw what I thought was a luminaria, at the end of the driveway.  I could not believe that I was seeing correctly, thus despite a very chilly night, I bundled up and headed down the driveway, hoping to decipher what I was certain must be an optical illusion; much to my delight, not only had someone placed a lit luminaria, at the end of the driveway, but also across street, at my mailbox, near the pond, and as far as I could see in either direction!  I went back inside to grab my camera, trying to capture what for me was a Christmas miracle.  Kate, in a wheel chair, came out to the crisp night, and we marveled at the flickering lights, as if we were ten year olds waiting for reindeer to fly through the sky.

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In the weeks following Christmas, we asked about the luminaria’s and were told that it happens every year, and no one knows who is responsible for this beautiful gift.

As Christmas approached once again, I kept thinking about the sparkling bags, and looked forward to the glowing little lights, as much as a visit from Santa.  I watched the weather report, not hoping for snow, like so many this time of year; but rather dreading the forecasted rain, and what that might mean to the luminarias.  I actually spent more than a few minutes trying to figure out what kind of shelter I might create for my luminaria, should it come.  But Christmas came and went, without the luminarias, and I resigned myself to feeling grateful that I had shared in that magical moment, last year.

On December 31, debating what lay ahead for the day; I walked out the front door, and spotted a small white bag across the driveway.  Oh my, could it be?  I quickly walked to the street, and giddily spotted another white bag on the lawn, in front of my house, and once again, up and down the street, in both directions.  I ran in the house and got my camera, and started taking pictures of these sandwich bags, with an inch or two of sand inside them, and a small white candle.

I still cannot believe how happy the sight of the bags made me, something so simple, yet such a perfect gift!


There were errands to run, and the businesses we had to stop at would be closing early; but I did not want to miss out on seeing the luminarias lit.  Nevertheless, I went back up to the house and got into the car; as we were pulling out of the driveway, Santa Clause arrived!

Once again, a jubilant state of shock overtook me; a very nice man was going along lighting the candles.  I had to speak to him, which I did.  I thanked him and was able to tell him how much his gift meant to me, and he graciously accepted my gushing joy, explaining that they were unable to put them out at Christmas, because of the rain, and that this was not the first time, they had put them out on New Year’s Eve.  He did not want me to know who he was and thus I accepted his anonymous act of kindness, without pursuing to whom I was indebted for this euphoric moment.

We went off, to unceremoniously take the trash to the dump, and decided to return to the house, before continuing to the market, because we had forgotten something, by the time we came home, the entire street was lit, but the sun still shone, as we started out again.


Heading home, after completing our errands, I made peace with my luminarias most likely having gone out, as it had been at least three hours, while secretly hoping they would still be glowing – which they were, and still are!

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In the past, both in California and Florida, I used luminarias to decorate, for Christmas Eve or other holiday related events; I have never thought about how these small sacks were a Spanish tradition, meant to illuminate a path for Mary, Joseph, and Jesus, though I am well aware of the spectacular displays in the southwestern part of the United States.  Nor did I ever imagine the light they would bring into my life.

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I am grateful I was able to interact with the man who lit my New Year’s Eve, and thank him personally for what he has done; and I am in a bit of awe.  In this day and age where it seems all acts of kindness or charity are not only on the six o’clock news, but have a webpage, a facebook page, and a thousand Instagram photo’s, it seems there are still folks out there who are willing to simply let their deeds speak for them – my what a lovely sound that is.  That is all for now

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