Public Square

General George Washington Crossing the Delaware


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On an icy December 25, 1776, George Washington led the Continental Army across the Delaware River. The next morning, the troops, 2400 men strong, marched nine miles to engage in the Battle of Trenton, where their victory would yield 900 Hessian prisoners, a boost to their moral, and alert future allies that the Americans were a force to reckon with.

Future President’s James Monroe and James Madison, as well as future Chief Justice John Marshall, future Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr, would all accompany the General, on that night and the next day into battle.

The site of the crossings can be found at Washington Crossing State Park, in New Jersey and across the river at Washington Crossing Historic Park, in Pennsylvania; today there is a bridge you may drive across, to visit both sites.
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This is both a pleasant and informative stop; I was surprised at how small the river appeared.


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On the New Jersey side, you will also find: “The Johnson Ferry House, an 18th-century farmhouse and tavern near the Delaware River, was owned by Garret Johnson, who operated a 490-acre plantation and a ferry service across the Delaware. It was likely used by General Washington and other officers at the time of the Christmas night crossing of the Delaware. Several rooms are furnished with period pieces, and there is an 18th-century kitchen garden. On weekends, living history demonstrations are frequently held.” (Wikipedia).
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A full size version of the ferry used to cross the Delaware

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Kate trying to cross

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Trekking where the General once trod


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