In the Wild!

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Thank you Queen Elizabeth


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I first heard of Lakeland, Florida, in a history book; the city was used as a staging area, for American troops, during the Spanish – American War.  Later, we had dear friends move north, to Lakeland, from South Florida, and found ourselves stopping by on occasion, to pay them a visit.


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Lakeland is a charming little city that is aptly named, as it is dotted with over thirty lakes.  It is home to the largest collection of Frank Lloyd Wright buildings, in the world, at Florida Southern College – a detour between Orlando and Tampa worth making.


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It is also home to a thriving population of swans, gifted to the city, by the Queen of England.  The swans, which had been so very at home, in the cities many lakes, originally arrived in the 1920’s, as pets.  However, the population of swans was decimated by 1954, and sorely missed.  Thus in 1957, Queen Elizabeth, the owner of the River Thames swans, was asked if she might look kindly on her nations former subjects, and gift Lakeland with her royal swans.


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The city agreed to pay all cost associated with the acquisition of two mute swans, from Richard the Lion-Hearted’s flock, whose progenies still thrive in Lakeland; they are joined by Australian black swans as well as countless other birds, who are pleased to pose.


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