In the Garden

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Why It Is Called Beaver Dam

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We are often accused of not helping out the economy because we are great do it yourself types.  Well, we did try to hire someone, to pick-up the overabundance of autumn leaves that we had raked; to no avail.  He spent hours, accomplishing little, other than trying our patience, as we watched him pretend to work.  At three o’clock, he called it a day, promising to be back the next morning, to finish the job.  I foolishly paid him, believing he would return, which he did not.  Thus, as we prepare for Thanksgiving, Kate decided to pick-up the leaves, before the major snow storm arrives tomorrow.

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In looking for a place to dispose of the leaves, she found out why we live on Beaver Dam!

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Kate ran into the house, where I was answering Anthony’s delightful letter, and told me to quickly grab my camera, which I did.

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As I approached the tree, Kate warned me to be careful, the winds are starting to pick-up, as we get ready for tomorrows snow storm, and I most assuredly see our beaver tree swaying in the wind.

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Neither of us has ever seen a tree in this state, I have to say it is quite a thrill to see any part of the world in a natural state.  We have, by the way, seen the beavers, which came up to the porch one day; to check out the peanuts we had set out for the blue jays, but have been unable to photograph them thus far.

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Kate then turned back to her nemesis tree and asked why they did not pick on her oak.  I replied, with her luck, the tree would fall in the wrong direction.

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