Public Square

In A Wild Wyoming Rest Area


I love rest stops, not only do they provide a necessary service; but they can also offer an interesting encounter with others on the road, a place to stretch your legs, eat your packed lunch, and if you are lucky, they can be a wonderful showcase for their state.

Pulling into Wyoming was remarkably delightful. Not only were its rest stops well laid out and serviceable, but flourished unexpectedly with art, history, and wildlife!

“The Greeting and the Gift”



“The scene depicts a typical meeting of the Indian and the Mountain Man on the open plains of Wyoming during the time of the western discovery and exploration in the early 1800’s.



At such meetings offerings of friendship would take place. The Indian is holding out a ceremonial buffalo horn filled with Rocky Mountain ‘sweetwater’ while the Mountain Man brings several beaver skins stretched on rounds of aspen branches.




Note that the Mountain Man Holds his Muzzle Loading ‘long rifle’ well away from his body with his hand over the muzzle to assure that it is harmless.

The Indian stands 12’6” and weighs 300 pounds. The Mountain Man, whose raised hand reaches to 14’ weighs 2500 pounds.”


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Prairie Dog

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Is the Bunny Thirsty?


The Bunny Hop!

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He is Looking at Me!

This was the Third Bunny at the Rest Stop – Quite Unbelievable.  He was Running to Meet a Friend – Bunny Number Four.


I Wonder What They are Chatting About?




Abraham Lincoln, along the Lincoln Highway






Henry Bourne Joy’s Memorial



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