Public Square – National D-Day Memorial

National D-Day Memorial

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Bedford, Virginia was home to the largest number of casualties, during the heroic and monumental June 6, 1944 landing in France, to liberate Europe from the Nazi war machine.  The National D-Day Memorial, in the United States, is thus fittingly situated on 88 acres in the small, quiet town.

As the free world pauses to mark the 70th anniversary of the largest nautical invasion in the history of world, I would like to offer you a recent look at the American memorial, and thank all of those who so valiantly sacrificed their lives for us all.

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General Dwight David Eisenhower, the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces


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A simulated view

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Leaving no man behind

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The ultimate sacrifice

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Awarded to those wounded or killed in battle


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Let us never forget


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