The Poet’s Corner

Did Your Dreams Let You Down

How are you?

The question was simple enough,

but you did not answer.

I am well, should have effortlessly rolled off your lips;

instead you were silent.

Did you have a Happy Birthday, I ask?

I see the drooping streamers, burst balloons, and half eaten cake,

it must have been a lovely celebration,

I proclaim waiting for affirmation.

But there is no response, only silence.

Have you been on holiday?

Your suitcases are still packed, and the sun has left its marks,

did you make it to the Seashell Islands?

Was it as we dreamed?

You say nothing.

The new car, it must be yours?

I remember the brochures and test drive;

congratulations, are you excited?

I declare in exhilaration.

Still, you do not reply.

Did you get your view, I wonder aloud?

The movers have arrived,

and your for sale sign has been removed.

Your fantasy home awaits, are you pleased?

There is no response.

I am remiss in not having asked about your New Year?

I never see you anymore, were you in town,

did you celebrate with other friends or perhaps family?

I remember how much you liked the idea of resolution and fresh starts.

You say nothing, and look away.

I do not understand the silence.

Where are the words you once reserved for me?

What is said in silence?

Are not the silent words the loudest?

Can we hear what is left unspoken?

I guess I shall simply hope that you are well.


~ Cristina Jill Mosqueda ~

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