
To love a painting is to feel that this presence is… not an object but a voice.

~ Andre Malraux ~




Maurice de Vlaminck

The most wonderful part of any trip is the unexpected!  The Dallas Museum of Art was for me completely unexpected and entirely delightful.  I had not planned on being able to visit the museum, instead, while walking and waiting, I saw the enormous building, and drawn to a Henry Moore sculpture, in the garden, decided to walk into the museum, and see if I could spend an hour in the gift shop.  Instead, I was warmly greeted, and told that not only could I tour the museum for free, but asked to become a member!

The very nice woman who walked me through the membership process, when told of my time constraints, suggested that I go up to the third floor, and visit the Wendy and Emery Reves Collection, which not only houses their life time of appreciation for beauty, and several paintings and possessions of Sir Winston Churchill, who I must say was not that great a painter, though a remarkable man, much missed, but also contains furnishings and art from Coco Channel’s home, which the Reves purchased and lived in.

I was not permitted, and rightfully so, to photograph the collection, with flash, thus my offerings for you are few; but thankfully, the Internet continues to not disappoint.  To get a wonderful tour of this collection, may I suggest that you click on the link below:

Meanwhile, do you not love the color, the brush strokes, and the life in this fauve beauty!


Art can never exist without naked beauty displayed.

~William Blake ~

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One Response to Art

  1. admin on July 24, 2014 at 4:50 pm

    Thank you.

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