Our Turkeys
Viewing them from the Florida Room
I love nature, and In the Wild! is one of my favorite columns to publish. Thus, I am rather diligent about my stock pile of photographs, which capture the joy I feel when I interact with the animal kingdom. The last few years, I have managed to have pictures of wild turkeys, to share on this page – and oddly, well maybe not too oddly, once again, I have a flock of turkeys, which I photographed last year, with this month in mind. However, I may save them for next November.
From the pool room — they are going in both directions
Instead, what I would like to share with you are I think the worst quality of pictures, which I have published, on this page; but pictures, if you will pardon my presumption, of our new wild turkeys!
A couple of weeks ago, Kate woke me up whispering to come quickly: We have turkeys! I rushed out of bed and gingerly approached the bank of windows, which open into the back yard – we indeed had turkeys – apparently, very jittery turkeys. We tried to photograph the wild birds, through two sets of glass doors, trying not to startle them, but they were aware of us watching them, and soon took flight, into the trees and over the river, disappearing from view, but leaving us in a state of marvel.
Since then, I have tried to leave the glass doors to the Florida room and pool open, as well as spent an inordinate amount of time filling up the bird feeders, and sneaking around the back of the house, hoping to capture another glimpse, and hoping I could photograph them for you. This is my best attempt.
At the bird feeder
Thus, I apologize for the glare and all of the furniture and things in the pictures which are not turkeys, but if you can look past the imperfections, and I think you may be able to appreciate the wonder we felt at this large flock of birds, who are incredibly communal, playful, and love cracked corn – I wish you all a life with much to give thanks for, whether you sit around a table, on the fourth Thursday of November, or simply stroll along the beach, thousands of miles away from these wild birds, and acknowledge all that you have to be grateful for.
They are off!
A busy squirrel happy the turkeys had taken off; that he might glean whatever corn they left behind.