Public Square


Holocaust Memorial

of the

Greater Miami Jewish Federation

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In Remembrance of those who perished and in celebration of those who survived, stroll through one of the finest Holocaust memorials I have ever born witness to.  Located at 1933-1945 Meridian Avenue, Miami Beach, FL 33139, it is open daily with free admission.

From the street, you see the large arm pushing upward, into the heavens, set in a tranquil garden, surrounded by water.  As you begin to make your way closer, you encounter the first sculptures and words, which carry you through a winding path of Jerusalem stone and black granite where the historical facts of the Holocaust are displayed, and an eternal flame displayed.  You then walk down a tunnel, inscribed with the names of the death camps, that leads you to the 42 foot sculpture, by Kenneth Treister.  The arm is encased with approximately 100 men, women, and children, whose expressions and physical form speak louder than any words could.

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