Poet’s Corner



Are congratulations in order?

You have certainly succeeded where others have failed;

accomplishing what I would have thought impossible.

How clever you have been,

luring me in,

with your promises of concern and understanding.

Assuring me that I should let my heart speak,

permit my mind to wonder,

and let my soul breath freely.

You said you would be there to cradle

my escaping thoughts,

assuring they landed safely,

to be nurtured and allowed to grow.

Speaking truth and justice,

is the only way to freedom;

was it not?

I no longer had to be imprisoned;

is what you said,

though apparently not what you meant.

I wondered if I could trust you?

So often,

I had stood to fight alone,

breaking free from bondage

and spitting out the gags;

you said no more.

But I was weary,

tired of waging a war with words

that were never heard.

It will be different this time,

you said.




You promised no more suppression,

I so desperately needed that to be true.

I acquiesced.

Truth must be told, I had thought;

but apparently I was wrong.

There is no value in truth,

only perception and desire matter.

I have been naive,

thinking this time would be different and

that my words would matter,

clearly they did not. 

You have been like all the rest,

granting and revoking permission

at your whim.

I cannot help but wonder

if things might have not been different

had I better understood the rules

of when to speak and when to be silent.

No matter,

it is time to detach myself from my words.

I must let go of the delusion and the dream.

I must finally accept what has always been truth.

There is no reason to express my thoughts,

what I have to say is without value.

Where others have failed,

you have succeeded.

You have silenced me,


congratulations are in order!


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