In the Wild!

Majestic Gulls

Larry feeds seventeen cats, squirrels, and seagulls– all who seem to know him.  I came upon Larry just as he was about to feed a flock of gulls.  The seagulls gathered around him, as did a black and white cat, whose tail had been lopped off, after having been attacked.

I stopped to enjoy the enthusiastic display of pleasure, and began to chat with Larry, sharing stories about my ducks.  As we spoke, he looked over his flock and commented that one of the gulls had been caught in fishing net, and thus was in danger of losing his leg.  He then said, matter-of-factly, he would try to catch the bird.  Without hesitation he flung the seed, distracting the birds and with perfect ease, he scooped up the injured animal and untangled the fishing wire which had immobilized the gull’s leg.

Seconds later, Larry let the gull go, and off he went toward the ocean and his friends.

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