Any Town USA
Initially, I had planned to discuss this specific town, in conjunction with “What Has Happened to America?” which appears in “From the Editor”. Exploring what had happened here. However, the towns own website is soliciting citizens to Adopt-A-Street, to help clean up the very images I present in this photographic essay; thus as my desire is to bring attention to a problem, and not further injure those who are struggling, let us simply call this an essay of Any Town USA.
We came upon this town unexpectedly. Several major highways intersect in or near this town, and thus we happened to stop, looking for lunch. As we waited for our pizza and salads, I took a walk. I had initially wanted to check out the art deco service station, long ago closed, but continued to explore the downtown area, and a few of the side streets – all within walking distance of the main streets.
I have the seen the images published here more often than one might imagine, as we drove across the country. Repeatedly, we were confronted with empty, abandoned, dilapidated buildings which had once house families and business. What has happened to America?
There were a couple newer and well taken care of buildings, representing government seats, and a union office.
A downtown stroll
City streets and sidewalks
The theater was perhaps one of the more shocking buildings, as I saw it far off, and approached it with hope. I could not believe how badly beaten this building was – it had quite literally been left to the birds.
Home Sweet Home?