Poet’s Corner

Subject: Unworthy of a Single Thought

The words were cold, cruel, and bitter;

nevertheless I read them again,

I had to.

One more time,

from the beginning –

I had to see beyond what they said

and focus on what they meant.

There was comfort to be had in their hatred.

I would never again have to wonder,

I know knew truth.

I was unworthy of a single thought.

I could not fain surprise,

It had previously been made clear.

I had simply chosen

in the past,

to make excuses

for their endless thrashing;

but this time

there was nothing left to pretend.

What had made me tolerable,

in the past,

was now forever gone.

Thus it was now over

it had all finally been verbalized,

I should at least be thankful

of that.

I was not worthy of a single thought,

the excommunication was now complete –

so be it.

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