Spinach, Smoked Gouda, and Caramelized Onions
I love French quiche and her cousins, the Italian frittata, and the Spanish tortilla (made with eggs and potatoes, not to be confused with Mexican tortillas made with corn or flower.) These are all dishes which can be prepared in a relatively small amount of time, with few ingredients, which can be kept on hand; and they are delicious! I prefer quiche at room temperature and with a salad of tomatoes, onions, and cucumbers; but it can be served warm or cold, for breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner or a snack – what more could you ask for!
There is really no end to the ingredients which can be combined to create a perfect quiche. It can be as simple as eggs, cream, and cheese, or complex as Spanish chorizo (sausage), peppers, onions, shredded zucchini and tomatoes, added to the eggs, cream, and cheese. (When you add fresh or canned tomatoes, make sure to pat them dry or drain them well, and allow a little extra time for the tomatoes to cook, as they have a high content of water, and will make your quiche soggy.) It really is one of those foods which you can customize to your pallet and pantry, almost any meat or seafood, and vegetable can be added to the custard mix.
Quiche is an overnight guest staple, on my menu. If you are having company for a long weekend, this is a great recipe which you can make ahead, and reheat or finish off before serving. A baked and completely cooled quiche may be tightly wrapped and frozen for a later date. In a 350 degree oven, place the frozen quiche on a cookie sheet, and heat through; it will take 40-60 minutes, depending on your oven. You can also prepare the crust and filling separate, keep refrigerated, and pop in the oven right before you want to serve. Accompanied by a salad, or blanched asparagus or sliced tomatoes, fresh fruit, and bread – your guest will never want to leave!
The Basic Ingredients:
4 large Eggs, at room temperature
1 cup of Gruyere Cheese, or Swiss
2 cup of cream, you can also use half and half or canned Milk, undiluted
1 teaspoon of Nutmeg
Salt and Pepper to taste
Pastry Crust (see below)
Additional Ingredients for This Recipe:
1 large Onion, diced
2 tablespoons of Olive Oil
1 tablespoon of Butter
½ teaspoon of Sugar
8 ounces of Frozen Spinach
1 cup of Smoked Gouda Cheese
In a large skillet, over medium to high heat, sauté onions in olive oil for several minutes, until they become translucent, add the butter, turn the heat to low, and sprinkle with sugar. You want the onions to caramelize, developing a sweet flavor and golden brown color, this may take several more minutes. Then add the frozen spinach, salt and pepper to taste, and nutmeg. Cook the spinach and onions until the spinach is very dry and soft. Set aside to cool completely.
(I could have added ham, bacon, sausage, crab meat, scallops or mushrooms to this particular quiche with excellent results.)
Beat eggs lightly and add cream and more salt and pepper, then add shredded cheese; finally add cooled spinach mixture to eggs.
Ready to go in the oven.
Pour into a pie plate, with a single crust, or into a quiche pan, on a cookie sheet. In a preheated oven, at 425 degrees, bake quiche, on a cookie sheet, for 15 minutes. Turn heat down to 300 degrees and bake for another 30 minutes, till toothpick inserted in center, comes out clean. Your quiche will be puffed and a light golden brown. Let the quiche rest for 10 – 15 minutes before serving.
Pastry Crust:
1 cup of Flour, plus an additional ¼ cup
6-8 tablespoons of Butter or Lard
3-5 tablespoons of iced Water
½ teaspoon of Salt
First, let me say that one of the reasons this is such a fabulous dish is because you can use an already prepared crust – fresh or frozen, and it really will be almost equally delicious. Secondly, deep breath all health care professionals – lard is amazing in pie crust! I am not telling you to use it, but for a remarkably flaky crust, try the lard.
If you make your own crust, measure the flour onto a clean work surface that is smooth. You may start with a cup of flour, but will most likely add a bit more as you work it into a perfect crust. You will also need to flour your surface to roll out the crust.
Create a well in the center of the flower, and add the fat of your choice. Gently cut the fat into the flour either with your finger tips or a pastry cutter – this can also be done in the food processor. Once you have a consistency of grains, begin to add the iced water, by the spoon. The less you work your dough the better it will be. When you are able to form a tight, smooth ball, place the dough in plastic wrap, and chill for at least an hour. Then on a floured surface, roll the dough out, and place over your pie plate or quiche dish. If using a quiche dish, roll your rolling pin over the top of the plate to evenly cut the crust.
Afterwards, line the quiche dish with aluminum foil or wax paper, spread a layer of dried beans on top, and bake the crust for ten minutes in a 350 degree oven for a crisper crust. Make sure you let the crust cool completely before filling with custard and baking. Enjoy!
The finished product!