
Lady Bugs!

Though I am sadly allergic to my plants; my “happy place” is my indoor garden.

During this challenging pandemic, I have found myself spending more time in that room than ever before.

But many of my most beloved plants have aphides.  I have tried various products, cleaning each infected leaf, and finally cutting away diseased parts of the plants, all to no lasting avail.

The idea of buying bugs, even “good bugs”, to let loose inside the house is challenging.  I did not easily come to the conclusion that I should set a hundred lady bugs free, into my indoor garden; but that is the decision I have made, and I am not unhappy with my choice.

I am hoping they will stay with the source of food, in the pool room, and not make their way into the rest of the house.  But I am going to take a chance.

We ordered the lady bugs, and they arrived mostly alive, and with instructions, which include watering the plants that they are to be released on.

They seemed happy to climb out of their shipping nest, and make themselves at home.  I am really hoping this works!

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