The Dalia Award

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

~ Luke 6:31 ~ 

            Do you know someone who goes beyond the call of duty?  Do you know someone who extends themselves for the benefit of others?  Do you know someone who is considerate and thoughtful, when no one is watching?  Do you know someone who has given past the point of comfort, when they did not have to?  Do you know someone who makes a difference, in the lives of others?  If so, we would like to hear about them. 

            In the many hours which went into developing this site, there were certainly moments when things between Kate and I became very emotional.  I am not sure anyone should ever react, with so much glee, to an author box suddenly appearing, quite literally out of no where!  There were also those times when I think we both questioned who would be moving out and keeping the dog – at close to our lowest points, however, we thankfully would realize how utterly ridiculous it was to be so upset over a missing font. (Well, I take that back, I really am missing my fonts and do not understand how computer people do not get the beauty, wonder, and marvel of fonts!)  Nevertheless, as we sat grumbling, laughter would over take us, realizing exactly how silly we were being, and we would start again, shaking our head in our frustration and reminding ourselves that we were masters of our own fate – or so we thought.

            After we were relatively finished, I have come to accept that we shall never be finished, which is not a bad thing; we started the launch process.  I wrote my little good-by to the last site, and found that we could not publish it.  Okay, I placed it on Facebook, and said we go forward.  Well, forward took a while longer.  A whole slew of all consuming technical issues appeared and thus began days of Kate seeking technical support, which mostly she could not find.  Finally, when we were thoroughly exhausted and I, at least, was ready to go back to my good and faithful Microsoft Front Page, (yes, all of you computer people may laugh at me, but it always worked) we had a miracle.  I know, it is a strong word, but I choose my words carefully.

            Kate was getting ready to make her “last” call.  I walked away from the table, and quite literally started to pray – we needed, as Kate would say a win.  The win came with Dalia.  It was the shortest conversation which we had with any support person, regarding the new site.  She listened carefully to what Kate said, asked a few questions, and asked if we could trust her to resolve the issue, off the phone.  I shook my head yes, and Kate followed her heart, as we turned the issues over to Dalia.  Prior to Dalia there had been a whole slew of people who sent us down wayward paths that led only to frustration, before they would announce the problem was with the program, or the server, or the connection, or the moon and the stars, but not them.  Then Dalia arrived.

            I must say that we were a bit incredulous, as the long hours passed.  Kate would look at her directories and such, and announce that Dalia was unzipping a file or forming a connection or at least still working, and we would continue to wait, and pray.  If Dalia had not been able to help us, I have to say it would not have mattered, the fact that she was the only person who even bothered to listen, and who actually tried to help, was enough to give me hope.  I will add that she was the only woman we had dealt with.  My neglected house was cleaned that evening; well I would say it was more about early morning hours, as we waited.  I finished cleaning and as I showered, I decided that Dalia’s efforts should be honored.  Yes, nice note to her boss, advising him that we would have dropped their service, had it not been for Dalia, but something more.

            There are so many people who either in a needed moment, step up to the plate, who live their lives at the plate; and no one ever notices the honor and dignity which they live by.  I know almost nothing about Dalia.  I wrote to thank her, and let her know my plans, but she I am sure has gone to help others.  Nevertheless, I would like to honor her and those like her, who are caring – especially when they do not have to be. 

            Do you know a Dalia?  If there is someone you know who has enriched your life or the lives of others, would you write a few lines about them, nominating them for our Dalia Award.  Let us share good news, and perhaps inspire one another to strive to do more than we have to, or perhaps I should say exactly what we should do.  May God richly bless Dalia, and all those who strive to live a life of kindness and caring.

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