Poet’s Corner



Dare I say the word?
It still seems surreal.
But here we are,
in the middle of a pandemic.
Some horrible virus has spread throughout world;
now whether we want to admit it or not,
our lives have been redefined.
This day should be about something else.
We should all be snapping hundreds of photos,
as we nudge each other to get closer to you
and say the most heartfelt congratulations.
Yes, today was supposed to be about you
and your hard earned achievements.
We should be gathering for cake and presents,
listening excitedly as you share your future plans.
Continents and thousands of miles
should not be dividing all of us
who want to wish you well.
But there is a pandemic.
Celebrations have been postponed,
as we all try to navigate
in a much darker world.
I remember your first dorm room,
and that infectious smile,
which said more than I am going to be just fine,
I plan to thrive!
This is not how I planned to say congratulations,
or let you know how very proud I am of you,
and how much I wish you well.
I know the wrong kind of tears will be shed today,
for which I am truly sorry;
but as hard as it will be,
do not let this pandemic define you.
Your dreams and desires must speak for you,
even if at the moment,
you feel silenced.
this will pass;
and you are going to shine!

~ Cristina Jill Mosqueda ~

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