Happy Mother’s Day
(The above photograph was taken at my sister, Joy’s church, Patmos, in Whittier, California. Besides my Mother is me, then my sister Joy, her arms on her daughter’s Beth and Allison, and then Lisa, with her arm around her daughter, Maria. )
“Some are kissing mothers and some are scolding mothers, but it is love just the same, and most mothers kiss and scold together.”
~ Pearl S. Buck ~
I have had this photograph for well over twenty years, since it was taken. Recently, I came across it, stopping first to focus on my Mother, and then Lisa, on the far right, who I have not seen since these days. We reconnected, for a while on social media, with limited but meaningful interaction, and it was nice. But at Christmas this last year, Lisa extended a kindness my way that truly felt like a hug from God; and it came on a day when I so needed to be blessed with love. Thus, I held the picture for a few moments longer, remembering; then I turned it over: “First Mother’s Day at Patmos”.
Ah, yes, look at the corsage my Mother is wearing; she loved corsages and it always made me happy when I could buy her one. I truly enjoyed being able to celebrate Mother’s Day with my Mother.
As I get older and the years without my Mother accumulate, there are certain occasions that have become rather challenging, like Mother’s Day. Honestly, I do not think a day has gone by, since I lost my Mother that I do not miss her and regret that I did not do more with and for her. But on Mother’s Day that loss is particularly hard.
I have shied away a bit from marking Mother’s Day in the last few years, even on these pages. However, lately I have been thinking a lot about what kind of mother’s my sister’s daughters have become, and I have found comfort and hope in their mothering.
Each of the girls (women) have different styles, and my ability to observe them with their children is limited, some more so than with others; nevertheless, overall, they seem to take such delight in their children and not just want the best for their children, but are actively engaged in creating the best for their children.
When I am able to spend time with my great-nieces and great-nephews, I see these amazing little people who are full of curiosity, love, kindness, and fearlessness! Yes, I am sure their fathers are all playing a significant role in the children’s development, but at least for today, I am giving those moms a little extra credit.
This photograph captures a very Happy Mother’s Day, and yes, I miss my Mother, but I am quite happy to be able to wish the other mother’s in this picture a Happy Mother’s Day and I want to wish you a Happy Mother’s Day!
“What do girls do who haven’t any mothers to help through their troubles?”
~ Louisa May Alcott ~