The Poet’s Corner

What Happens After Hello?

I’ve been wondering, what will happen if I dial your number?

The phone will ring, and ring, and ring.

I am certain of that part.

You never quickly pick-up, for anyone,

but there was a moment in time

when I seemed to matter a little more than others,

and you would reach for the phone to hear my voice.

I know that moment has passed.

So what will happen if I dial your number?

What happens when you pick-up the phone?

What do I say?

Do I simply say hello?

What comes after hello?

Shall I inquire of your family?

Perhaps, I ask about the weather and work?

Or do I ask if you still think of me?

I have been wondering.

What if you say I miss you?

What about, I love you?

What do I say, after hello?

No more wondering.

Deep breath,

and dial.

Oh, I see.

The machine had not occurred to me.

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