Human Bondage
“The United States was ranked for the first time in the 10th annual Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report documenting human trafficking and modern slavery, released on Monday by the Department of State. The report found that in America men, women, and children were subject to trafficking for ‘forced labor, debt bondage, and forced prostitution.’” http://www.humantrafficking.org/updates/875Are you surprised? I hope not. Are you sickened? I hope so. “The United States of America is principally a transit and destination country for trafficking in persons. It is estimated that 14,500 to 17,500 people, primarily women and children, are trafficked to the U.S. annually.”1 These statistics are from 2006, can you imagine the current numbers? “The U.S. Government is strongly committed to combating trafficking in persons at home and abroad. The Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000, enhances pre-existing criminal penalties, affords new protections to trafficking victims and makes available certain benefits and services to victims of severe forms of trafficking. It also establishes a Cabinet-level federal interagency task force and establishes a federal program to provide services to trafficking victims. The U.S. Government recognizes the need to sustain and further enhance efforts in order to achieve the goals and objectives of the Act.”
What can you do? You can make a difference, find out how by becoming better informed and working locally to end human bondage. I urge you to take a look at the sites below, and then take a look around you. Women and men are being kidnapped, sold into slavery by family members, or willingly and unknowingly sending themselves into a life of horror, by the promise of work and a new life. These individuals, once in the hands of their new “owners” are then being forced to work under unimaginable conditions, including be prostituted and obligated to partake in the pornographic industry. Understand that the dollars you are putting into the “sex industry” are encouraging slavery. I have heard more than one person comment that women working in strip clubs, pornography, or even as prostitutes are joyfully and willingly making massive fortunes – are you sure? Do you know that those women have not been beaten and tortured? Are you certain that they have not been purchased and threatened with death if they do not cooperate?
Information is power, get armed!
1 US Department of State Trafficking in Persons Report 2006http://www.humantrafficking.org
If you suspect possible human trafficking, contact the following in the United States:
- Rescue & Restore Campaign/Look Beneath the Surface
24 Hour Trafficking Information and Referral Hotline: 1.888.3737.888 - U.S. Department Of Justice
To report a trafficking or involuntary servitude case call this toll-free hotline:1-888-428-7581 - 911
For immediate danger - The Florida Coalition Against Human Trafficking
For information on Human Trafficking or to report possible cases call (239)390-3350