Another Day of Anguish

June 12, 2016

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“Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand.”

~ Matthew 12:25~


I am in shock and heavily grieved today; I cannot believe I have spent yet another day, sitting in front of the television, checking social media, and crying out to God for understanding, as my nation is once again attacked.

As the day’s events unfolded, I repeatedly went to facebook, looking for information and solidarity – I am stunned, at the silence, which I found. My nation has endured the worst terrorist attack since 9-11, and yet so many people who normally post endlessly have said nothing about this assault, on our country.

I stepped back, telling myself, people have not heard, they are away from electronic devices, they do not fathom the severity of the attack . . . even perhaps they are politicizing the attack and do not know which stand to take, but those all seem to be empty excuses.

Repeatedly, Kate and I commented on the wall of silence, and repeatedly we declared this cannot be homophobia at work. I really could not believe that the lack of concern, outrage, and reaction is simply because the attack took place in a gay nightclub?  But apparently, what I cannot believe is in fact true.

It was not until my brother-in-law, a Christian minister, posted the following status, that I was forced to accept exactly how insanely polarized this nation has become.

“Doug Gregan:

The seething layers of hatred that are rippling across our country and world are staggering and terrifying. I am horrified by this tragic act. What distresses me even more are the “christians” out there who would say in their heart, “They got what they deserved.” Don’t tell me they’re not out there. It is the sickening condition that betrays the heart of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If that’s your heart today, I command you to repent in the name of Jesus. You are of another spirit… and it’s not Christ.

“And when his disciples James and John saw this, they said, Lord, wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven, and consume them, even as Elias did? But he turned, and rebuked them, and said, Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of. For the Son of man is not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them.” (Luke 9:54–56 KJV)”

I am sure I would not want to be a fly on his wall today, as I know he is much more connected with people, who profess to be people of faith, than I am, and somehow I can only imagine that he must have read or heard some pretty horrendous things today. I appreciate him writing something, which so completely captures what I am feeling and lack words to express today.

I also appreciate you Linda. I appreciate your passion, your devotion to ideas, your intelligence, your kindness, your friendship, the many things you share with me, and today I appreciate your integrity more than ever before – thank you.

A thank you to Nour, as well, for calling — he has sort of stepped into that vacancy, which my Mother’s death left, that person you speak to, in those moments when something larger than life happens, and when you do not really know what to say, but need someone to listen.

As I travel around the country, I am repeatedly touched by the many memorials, from small towns to major cities, which commemorate the attacks and victims of 9-11. It is a day of infamy, in my life, and I think for all those who were alive; we saw or heard the attacks play out, for many in real time, forever scarring us.  Since then there have been countless attacks in our nation and around the world, all birthed in hatred; the scenes of the carnage and aftermath have become too familiar and disheartening.  I cannot believe what has happened today, and I am sure as the hours pass, I will come to accept what cannot be denied; but I am urging my fellow citizens, do not let someone else define us!

The temptation to live our life by someone else’s litmus test is exactly how we have reached this point of insanity. We need to step up to pulpit, as it were, and decry the violence and hatred being perpetrated in the name of religion – I promise you, God does not need us to kill anyone in His name.  That is all for now.

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