In the Garden

Such a Desire to Grow!


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I was walking down Commercial Boulevard, in Fort Lauderdale, when I peeked into this garden, growing in-between a building.  If you look past the benches, you will see a very small area, where a few plants have been given free range, and with limited soil and space, their desire to grow has overcome their limits — we should all be like those plants.


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A Philodendron gone wild — I love it!


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I would think this a rather pleasant view, for the people working in this office building.


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I will never forget the first time I saw Oyster Plants, in Florida, off of a highway — this ubiquitous plants leaves are green and purple, with charming white flowers, when in bloom.



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Planted outside of the small cement enclosure, but within view are Bromeliads — forever more a favorite!



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