Public Square

President Benjamin Harrison’s Home


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Located in Indianapolis, Indiana, though our twenty-third President was born in Ohio, the son of Congressman John Scott Harrison, President Benjamin Harrison home is open to the public, and worth a visit!

President Harrison was a local attorney and lay worker in the Presbyterian Church, when the Civil War began, where he served as a Colonel and then a Brevet Brigadier General, in the Union Army, later he was elected to the United States Senate, before assuming the Presidency in 1889. Not only had his grandfather, William Henry Harrison, been the 9th President of United States, but his great-grandfather, Benjamin Harrison V, had been governor of Virginia as well as a signer of the Declaration of Independence.

This was a stop greatly enhanced by two factors, first our incredible docent, whose private tour was both knowledgeable and generous; and secondly, by the fact that the vast majority of the items displayed, around eighty percent of the furniture, pictures, books, and memorabilia actually belonged to the President and his family. The home is well preserved and having been well documented, when the family was in residence, it has been staged as it was when the President lived there.
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The view from the front porch

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I do love these planters — very dramatic


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A musical household, set up for entertaining


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A walking stick carved with the images of the Presidents of the United States


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The Presidents Books


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A portrait of President Lincoln

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I believe this was a first for me, I had not seen a Reginaphone up close before

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The “Record”

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Fell in love with this chair!  A gift to the President, made from cattle horns


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The dinner table


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Ready to entertain


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The President’s bed, and where he drew his last breath


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A gift to his wife Caroline, her vanity set


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His home gym


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His daughter Elizabeth’s room


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His daughter Mary’s bedroom


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A peek at the kitchen

Much better photographs of the Presidents Home:


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