
Wishing You a Heart Filled with Thanks

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“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.” 

~1 Chronicles 16:34~

The American holiday, of Thanksgiving, is based on the ancient notion, of celebrating a bountiful harvest; it has become a time to gather around the table, with family and friends, and share a scrumptious and plentiful meal.

For many, at some point, in the day set aside to give thanks, we go around the room and talk about what we are most grateful for, at that moment; I think it is a nice tradition.

Tonight, after a long day, which began at seven o’clock, this morning, as I wait for the last pie, to come out of the oven (made with a recipe given to me by my Mother and Aunt Helen, who both agreed it was the only way to make a pie crust), and watch the minutes ticking away, on my computer screen (I so want to finish this post by midnight), I am of course a bit tired, but also extremely thankful!

On my personal facebook page, I posted the following pictures, as I prepared for Thanksgiving dinner today.  Commenting: This is my favorite moment before a dinner party! Stepping back to look at a perfectly set table, a table adorned not only with things which represent our life, but the people we love and have loved.

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I started washing the china two weeks ago, getting ready for Thanksgiving, Miss Hannah’s High Tea, and Christmas.  I love putting everything in its proper place, layering the table, from Caroline’s runner, to the china I bought for ten dollars a month, my freshman year in college, to the pickle dish Fran gave me, the serving dishes from Mother and Tessie, Aunt Helen’s candle sticks, a place card for Tim, and also new this year, Char’s silverware!

When the table is finished, though dinner is not, there will still be several more hours, in the kitchen yet to come, I feel a sense of satisfaction, which is difficult to explain and makes whatever labor may await me, insignificant – soon those I love will gather here and share in Thanksgiving.

Yes, I cannot help but think of those who will not be here, but today, as Kate and her Mother, Charlotte, went out to buy a Christmas tree (we want to give it a few days for the branches to fall, so that we can decorate it on Friday), and I finished setting the table, I thought about how my Mother always used to say, after she gave away her treasures, to her children, that she would go visit them when she visited us; I then thought about Char’s generosity in giving Kate her silverware, and how fortunate I was to be able to set my table with Charlottes silverware, and be able to serve her with it.

It has been many years since we shared a Thanksgiving meal with Charlotte, in fact her Mother, Tessie, was still alive.  Today, as Char peeled potatoes and cut the ends off of greens beans, while I creamed spinach and Harvard beets, we spent more than a few minutes talking about the losses we have experienced.  I know she is missing Bob and Ruth Ann, and quite a few more people she loves, as am I, but our loss has also birthed this moment.  In a few hours we shall break bread together, for which I am thankful.

I hope this day finds you with a heart of thanks and that your burdens do not preclude you from feeling grateful, believing in the possibility that no matter how dark a moment may feel, your heartache will pass, and life may not be the same, but you can still know love, hope, and gratitude.  From our family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving!

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And: I love my little Pilgrims from Publix.

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One of my most favorite decorations, which remind me of Florida!

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