Two for One!
Presidents John Adams and John Quincy Adams Birthplaces
A visit made before I began these pages, but never-the-less, worth sharing with you, as it is an opportunity to learn about two Presidents but three houses, all with one stop! Part of the National Parks, the John Adams and his son, John Quincy Adams birthplaces and family home can be found in Quincy, Massachusetts.
We ventured to this historical site with Caroline and Doug, on a lovely October day, and found the journey to Franklin Street, where the Presidents were born, John Adams in small salt box houses built in 1681, and his son in a house next door, both stand in their original locations; as well as Peacefield, the house President John Adam lived in, while serving as Commander in Chief, are available to be toured. The homes remained in the family until 1940, when they were donated to the city, which eventually passed them on to the United States, which now maintains them through the National Parks.
My most favorite part of the tour was the Stone Library! I was in awe of the volume and order; it is beautifully preserved, this is a stop worth making if you are visiting the Boston area or live there. National Park photo and Dale R. Wickberg