Public Square

Hoover Dam


08-18-2016 04;08;07PM



Part of the brilliant public works projects, during the Great Depression, construction on Hoover Dam began in 1931 and lasted until 1936.



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The enormous undertaking, which resulted in harnessing the Colorado River, used to accessible by car, via interstate 93, you would simply drive over the Dam that divides Arizona and Nevada, now there is a bridge that was completed in 2010, which makes experiencing the Dam much more of a walking experience – perhaps getting a bit closer, in a different way.



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On a return visit to Hoover Dam, I found her a bit different than how I remembered seeing her a little over 20 years ago. My first visit to the dam was with my Father, on our way back to Los Angeles, after having been in Las Vegas; I had found the structure astoundingly incredible, awed by the engineering, which I did not fully understand, nor of course do I now.



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When Kate and I toured it in 1993, prior to 9-11 and the changes, which that day brought, we were able to go down into its belly and see its workings; today such tours are highly modified.



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It is easy to feel like the Dam is a tourist attraction now, but I have a feeling that the marvel which is in front of our eyes, when standing in the presence of this man made creation, has always drawn the on-looker.



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If you find yourself in Las Vegas, Nevada, looking for an entirely different experience, I most highly recommend the drive thirty mile south, to Hoover Dam, you will not be disappointed.




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