The Dialogue

The Dialogue

May 15, 2019

My Father and Me     In all fairness, I cannot imagine who will care about this post, but I cannot help myself. This is a piece of a newsletter from Puerto Rico, in the mid-1960’s, when we lived on the island. Honestly, I wish I had the entire article, posted on the flip...
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The Dialogue

April 27, 2019

One of Her Bible’s     I have written, in the past, about how my Mother passed out her treasures, while her children could make use of them. The pieces that I own, which were my Mothers are honestly too treasured by me to be used, things like serving dishes and a cream and...
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The Dialogue

March 9, 2019

Happy Birthday Mother   My plans for March 9th are to visit an orchid show, my Mother’s favorite flowers, which I love;  and yes, eat fried chicken, that I do not so much care about, but that she loved.  One of the things I decided a few years ago, was that instead of spending...
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The Dialogue

February 10, 2019

Poder Sobre Satana Y Los Demonios   Continuing to share my Mother’s work:   Page 1     Page 2 Page 3      
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The Dialogue

January 7, 2019

The Reverends     As I have shared in the past, my Mother would literally hand copy books and endless notes, into spiral notebooks. Going through one of her notebooks, I came across this notation. What is so fascinating to me is that this is private material, never intended for anyone else to see;...
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The Dialogue

November 30, 2018

McGuffey’s New Third Eclectic Reader     Don’t Quit When things go wrong, as they sometimes will, When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill, When funds are low and the debts are high, And you want to smile but you have to sigh, When care is pressing you down a bit, Rest if...
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The Dialogue

October 16, 2018

Correcting an Oversight “However, there must be joy in the sorrow if we are to go forward.  My Christmas joy came in the form of a photograph, of my Mother.  Below, is the printout from eBay, no less, which Kate purchased for me – yes, this is my favorite Christmas gift!  I cannot believe...
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The Dialogue

September 22, 2018

A Birthday Greeting   I miss her always, but never more than this time of year.  I have no idea when she gave me this card – date everything!      
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The Dialogue

August 20, 2018

“Soul Food” For some reason, my Mother repeatedly shared portions of Psalm 119 with me; among many other scriptures.  I am so grateful to have these little notes she would send in the mail or simply leave on the counter for me to find; apparently this not is a bit of an admonition, I...
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The Dialogue

May 13, 2018

Happy Mother’s Day This week I posted an article, on our facebook page, about the new vintage inspired, TWA hotel, commenting on the terminal and TWA’s impact on my life.  Going through an envelope of pictures, I noticed that TWA also had an impact on my Mother’s life. On the back of the picture...
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