A View from the Road


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Driving through Huron, Ohio, I happened to notice a smiley face, outside of someone’s home.  I of course thought of my Mother, and her smiley face Jesus Loves You tracks, which she passed out for years.

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Continuing the drive, I saw another smiley face, and by the third bright yellow smiley, I had to stop and take a snap shot, of the perfect View From The Road.

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Throughout the picturesque town, there were a dozen smiley faces gracing people’s homes and public places; the last I saw, the school, was also perhaps the most significant.

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It seems that the local Shawnee Elementary school principal, Tanny Vonthron, had been battling cancer, and in an effort to lift her spirits and show her support, the town decked itself out in smiley faces, in her favorite color, yellow.

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The woman was apparently rather remarkable and well loved, at least a portion of her legacy is courage, hope, and a smile – not too bad, I would say, may she rest in peace and may we all share a smile today.

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At the Library


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