A View from the Road

Take A Ride on the Reading

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Perhaps because they were affordable, or maybe because even when you owned all four, the most you would collect was 200 dollars, or because someone was always willing to take a railroad, in place of some insane debt, the Railroads, in Monopoly, were always highly valued, in my house; especially “The Reading Railroad”.

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Originally created by Elizabeth J. Magie Phillips, in 1903, as a teaching tool, the board game, which so many of us grew up playing, was called The Landlord’s Game, and was intended to demonstrate the evils of monopolies.   The game metamorphosed into Monopoly in 1933, and was sold by Parker Brothers, with the properties being named after streets in Atlantic City, New Jersey.

Of interest, according to Wikipedia: In 1941 the British Secret Intelligence Service, had a special edition created for World War II prisoners, who were held by the Nazis; the games had hidden maps, compasses, real money, and other objects useful for escaping.”

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Recently, I spent the night in Reading Pennsylvania, the city for which Reading Railroad was named!  I happen to catch this View of the rail lines; and thought you might it enjoy it.


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