A View from the Road

A Welcoming View


Is this not the view you would like to come home to everyday?  I remember a few years ago, arriving late one evening, to this plenteousness collection of wonderment, waiting by the front door.  Much like tonight, I had been out trying to finish my Christmas errands, and as I pulled into the driveway, my thoughts were about a late super and what I had managed to cross off of my to do list; I had not imagined that so much love might be waiting for me and my family – the arrangement with the red roses and pink splashed carnations was for Mother, from her brother, Uncle Glenn and his wife, Aunt Beverly – my Mother loved fresh flowers even more than me, and was as thrilled as I to see what awaited us.

I miss not sharing Christmas with my Mother; I think the only person who enjoyed surprises more than me.


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