One Good Turn

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Steel Wheel Kustoms & Autobody

Repeatedly, as we prepare for the holidays, this year, Kate has commented on how nice it is to be able to participate again, in the festivities.

Tonight, we decided to buy a Christmas tree.  When we arrived, at the store, we instantly found a beautiful tree, but not an ounce of help.  Kate stood guard over the tree, while I went to find some assistance, to no avail.  However, as we waited for the hoped aid, a very nice man offered to help us load the tree!  He and Kate went off to the car, while I walked around the other trees, looking for a few pieces of twine, which I found.  He graciously loaded and tied the tree, and refused any monetary thanks.

He acted with such honor and decency, and while I have not used his professional services, I feel very comfortable, with our brief encounter, in sharing his contact information; should you need any custom, auto body or mechanical work done, think of giving him a call.  I know I will be passing one of his business cards on, with great confidence, to my brother-in-law.  I believe that those who act with integrity in their personal lives will do so in their professional lives as well.

After a couple of more stops, on our way home, we passed the hospital where Kate went the day she fell, and has had all of the surgeries and procedures, on her leg/foot; my first thought was how much I dislike that place.  But before I spoke, she with a true note of joy spoke about how they made her better.  She is not where she was before the accident, but she is so much better than she was a year ago, and with a little help from the nice man of Steel Wheel Kustoms & Autobody, Kate is closer to making contributions of old, to our Merry Christmas, thank you kind Sir, and may God truly bless you a hundredfold.


Steel Wheel Kustoms & Autobody

Office: 603-841-6863




Frequently, and most often by chance, I find myself interacting with a nice person, who is kind and gracious, at exactly the right moment, enriching my life with a good turn!

Do you know some such soul?  Have you dealt with a local business, which has gone out of its way to excel in the quality of their work or customer service?  Please share!  Let us use these pages, to promote their business, just because we can.  Thank you.


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