A View from the Road

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The Oscar Myer Wienermobile

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Okay, you have to admit, this is a pretty over-the-top View From the Road!  We were driving south, about to enter the Fort McHenry Tunnel when we suddenly spied the Wiener Mobile!  I could not believe it; and desperately wanted to photograph it before it disappeared into the tunnel.

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Off to pay his toll

In the hundreds of thousands of miles we have logged on America’s highways, I have to say this was a first – the Wienermobile driving down the highway!

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This very clever advertising gimmick first hit the road in 1936!


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We did not break any traffic laws catching up to this very fun car!


And yes, we most definitely considered getting off of the freeway to follow it, anticipating a free hot dog; but alas the road kept us heading south.


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I know, I take way too many pictures from these handy little mirrors


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