Poet’s Corner

 Happy New Year!  Merry Christmas!  Happy Birthday!


Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas!

Happy Birthday!


What are we celebrating today?

A beginning or an end?

Is there a difference?

Does it matter?

Are we just marking time,

between yesterday and today,

and somehow hopping that it matters?


Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas!

Happy Birthday!


Raise your glass of cheer, and toast with me:

To my health, your wealth, and our mutual happiness –

whatever that might be.

Perhaps this will be the year that we find out exactly

what that might be – our elusive mutual happiness?


Once we know, we can tell the world,

and watch as they join hands and cheer,

celebrating our good fortune!




Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas!

Happy Birthday!


But if today slips into yesterday, and tomorrow looks

unremarkably the same – then hold my hand,

close your eyes,

and make a secret wish!

I will not tell you mine, and you do not have to tell me yours.

It will not matter if either wish comes true,

for we shall celebrate the wishing,

and not the wish itself.


Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas!

Happy Birthday!


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