Poet’s Corner

Is This What We Thought Grown Up Would Be?


Did we expect our life to look like this?

Were you going to go off to the office, why I stayed home baking cookies and plotting the overthrow of our HOA? Were we going to have two cars parked in the garage, and a neighbor boy to wash them on the weekends? Were we going to sit around discussing St. Augustine and refer neither to the man nor the city?

Is this what we thought grown up would be?

Were we going to have date night on Friday, run errands on Saturday and barbeque with friends on Sunday? Were we going to have five different kinds of insurance, six different doctors, and twice that many bankers, brokers, and accountants? Were we going to get gray hair, bad backs, and actually sit around discussing acid indigestion?

Is this what we thought grown up would be?

Were we going to keep vigil over hospital beds, swab burning brows, and change soiled bandages, with a tear in our eye, and a smile on our lips? Were we going to have stacks of photo albums, over flowing folders of birthday cards and Valentines, and boxes of Christmas ornaments, each with a story? Were we going to celebrate promotions and campaign victories, morn lost love ones and the demise of our house of praise, and forever remember nine-eleven and one-seventeen?

Is this what we thought grown up would be?

Were we going to have someone with whom to say our prayers, and someone with whom to walk the dog?  Were we going to finally be safe, stable, and secure?  Were we going to be loved for ever and get happily ever after?

Is this what we thought grown up would be?

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