A View from the Road

The Worst Drive of My Life

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I loaded Merry into the car, in south Florida, and headed toward Cleveland, where Kate found herself.  The road has never been unkind to me; but this was the worst trip of my life.  Kate’s mother was in the hospital, and I was traveling with my perfect dog, so I decided not to stop along the way.  West Virginia, quite literally brought me to tears.  This pictured traffic was because of an accident, we spent hours sitting on the small, curvy, highway, which soon became incredibly dark and heavily populated by very big trucks, which kept blowing their horn at me, as they did not think driving the speed limit was fast enough.  I so wanted Kate to come get me, but alas I had to move on with only my trusty Merry.  But we did finally make it!
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Do you see how far back the traffic went?

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“I am out of here.”

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Yes, I took Merry for several walks.

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The poor culprit of the traffic jam



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