Poet’s Corner

All the Kings Men

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I wake up in the morning,

and for a brief second

I have forgotten;

I inhale,

look around at what was once my life,

everything looks the same,

but nothing is as it was,

and I remember.


When you were all that I had,

you decided to leave my bed

for hers,

without saying a single word.


I was not worth a good-by

or even a deceptive,

yet, momentarily comforting,



You simply slipped away,

under cover of darkness,

and boarded the jet plane;

which took you away from me

and into her waiting arms,

where you found the words to be kind

and complimentary,

lacking the harsh criticism

which apparently only poured from lips.


Later, after the days, weeks,

and months had passed,

you told me she was better,

she treated you better

than I ever had.


I cried out,

that the ground might swallow me whole,

bringing an end

to the most inconceivable agony

I had ever known,

but that did not happen.



you continued

to sing her praise

as the miles drew us further into the night;

and I realized that nothing had been as I had thought.


Can it be

that I have been felled,

by a beast I thought deplorable,

and thus inconsequential,

I scream out in anguish;

how can any of this be true?


She relished in her tells,

of having bed

a thousand souls,

whose names she had never known;

and of having sacrificed her young

before the darkest altars,

seeking favor from her kin —

this is what has destroyed my home?


It cannot be that it was for her

that you left my bed;

my sorrow is inexhaustible,

as are my questions,

I do not understand?


The words slowly drip from your mouth,

as if perhaps you think,

if they can go unuttered

all may still be well.


More days, weeks, and months pass;

finally, you proclaim

the stories have come to an end,

there appears to be nothing left to be said,

and neither your tears or mine

seem to matter.


Your desire and my despair,

have destroyed everything

which I thought I knew;

your beast has won

and I am lost.


My house of cards has crumbled

and all of the king’s men,

and all of king’s horses,

cannot put it back together again.


The pieces of my life

lay scattered about me

and what had once painted a picture

of our life;

now looks like a confetti

of brightly colored pieces

without rhythm or rhyme.


None of this is as I wanted it to be,

I was not asked,

nor given an opportunity to object;

you simply chose this for me,

and I have yet to understand why.


I find no reason to go on,

I believe you feel as I do;

yet somewhere in the darkness,

air forces itself through our lungs,

chocking us with life,

obliging us to accept a breath

we do not want.


I go to bed at night,

and for a brief second

I forget;

I exhale,

look around at what was once my life,

everything looks the same,

but nothing is as it was,

and I remember.

~ Cristina Jill Mosqueda ~


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