A View from the Road

Tumble Weed

dallasart 140

Images of the West are seared in the American mind, from cowboys and Indians on horseback, to vast desert vistas with endless skies, and small wooden towns divided by dusty streets dotted by rolling tumble weed.

There is something rather romantic about tumble weed, especially when you see it rolling down the highway, even more so when it is skipping along a dusty road.  However, it is hard to pull your car over fast enough to capture the tumbling weed, in all of its glory, though one does try.

Stopping at a gas station, in Texas, I could not help but smile, as I spotted the iconic vegetation, waiting for me to photograph it.  Especially appropriate in a Philips 66 gas station, named not only for the speed, 66 miles per hour, which a test car drove, with the new Philips gasoline, but also the famed highway the car was being driven on.

By the way, if you have ever considered driving the famed Route 66, may I say: Go West Young or Old Person!  I have driven it, and most highly recommend the experience.  Even, now, when so much of it has changed, it is still a true American delight.


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