Poet’s Corner


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It is crooked

and not at all attractive

dull in color and design

built by that not so kind man

who was proud of his creation

because he was able to pick

who may come to feast

I had thoughts of tearing it down

replacing it with a work of art

or at the very least

something one would say

is clever and cute

but look at what it can do

it is shelter in the storm

just as it is

can I deprive them of a place

to wait out the driving snow

perched high enough

above the ground

to see what may want to prey upon them

with room enough to offer

comfort to each other

as they wait for the whipping winds

to die away

they know the storm will pass

and until then

they are safe

and crooked does not matter.

~ Cristina Jill Mosqueda ~


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