One Good Turn

Campbell House Antiques

At the end of our time in Cleveland, this summer, after Charlotte was home from her two month stay at the Cleveland Clinic, I decided to go in search of Oberlin, where I had once considered going to college, though I had never seen the town.  As Kate worked from her mother’s home, and Charlotte rested, I walked around the quaint town, and foolishly did not buy a two volume, leather bound edition of Don Quixote.

It was a lovely day, and I very much enjoyed seeing the historical campus, where women and African-Americans were first admitted to university studies and where our dear neighbor Tom McCormick had gone to school. 

I of course went into the antique shop on Main Street.  I found a beautiful set of dishes, and asked the clerk if she would help me verify that they were complete and neither chipped nor broken.  Incredibly gracious, she went through the pieces with me and discovered a few chipped plates, which she pointed out to me.  I did not buy the dishes though I did find a small glass knickknack embossed with the Terminal Tower, a Cleveland landmark.  My purchase was small, yet when I asked the saleswoman about how to get to a house designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, she not only gave me meticulous directions, but she drew me the most perfect map ever!  Her service was truly outstanding, thank you. 

For months, I wanted to acknowledge her professionalism, but our hectic life has gotten in the way.  She has nonetheless inspired me to begin a new feature, where outstanding service and professionalism is freely mentioned on these pages, in hope of promoting a better quality of life.

Thus, if you find yourself in Oberlin, and are looking for a way to spend a pleasant afternoon, I highly recommend a stop at Campbell House Antiques at 95 South Main St, Oberlin, Ohio 44074,

You will find wonderful collection of antiques at Campbell, but more importantly, you will find gracious and outstanding service!


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