One Good Turn

The Eclectic’s Basement


Robbie 006


After much effort, on behalf of the proprietor and Kate, I brought home these three presidents today. This shop was filled with the most interesting of items and was run by a man with a remarkable eye, for all things with a bit of character and a story.

He is transitioning his business to the electronic world; but I would very much like to recommend that you think about following,  and by all means hitting Like, to The Eclectic’s Basement, on facebook, at the link below.

If you find yourself searching for something a bit out of the ordinary or you are in need of nurturing a passion for items not easily found, think about dropping him a note, he may have exactly what you are looking for, or be able to keep his keen eye open for that clutch from Cuba or ashtray adorned with a matador from Spain!



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