
Pickled Cauliflower


midtown 007



Do not be afraid of pickling! Especially when you are making pickles that will be refrigerated thus; you do not have to worry about whether or not you have achieved the perfect canning seal.

I have always loved pickled vegetables, with their great texture and flavors – I remember my Mother sharing stories with me about the Dilly beans and barrels of sauerkraut her family made, when she was a child – pickling is a perfect way to preserve food and to serve vegetables in a new or different way.

I had never tried to make my own pickles until Nour, who regularly creates batches of pickled cauliflower, as well as turnips; after he shared his recipe and the ease with which he makes this perfect appetizer or snack, I garnered enough courage to give it a try, and I have never looked back.

If I am using garlic, in my cauliflower, I tend to heat my pickling liquid, before I begin to assemble my jar of pickled vegetables, if I am not, I use a cold method, where I simply make the brine, in the jar the cauliflower will be stored, and then add the cauliflower, carrots, and peppers. Either method works well and they will be eaten before they could possibly go bad.

As with everything else we make, flavor is about your personal taste, if you do not care for the bite of the jalapenos, you can certainly leave them out, in my last batch, pictured above, as my menu included a chili con carne, made with dried Pasilla and California peppers, I flavored the pickles with fresh Cuban oregano, which I have growing in a pot. They were much milder than what I think Nour would appreciate, but they accompanied the dinner perfectly.

I have created by own recipe, and encourage you to do so as well.



4 cups of Water

2 cups of White Vinegar

6 teaspoons of Kosher Salt

½ teaspoon of Red Pepper Flakes

2 tablespoons of mashed Garlic or one head of Garlic

3 Bay Leaves

1 teaspoon of Coriander seeds

1 Jalapeno – sliced length wise for more flavor, whole for less

1 head of Cauliflower

3 Carrots, peeled and sliced



Bring water, vinegar, salt, pepper, and garlic to boil; add bay leaves and turn off heat. Let pickling liquid cool till warm.  Clean a glass jar well, and then fill it with boiling water, making sure to clean rim and lid.  Let the container sit, with boiling water, while you clean and separate cauliflower, peel and cut carrots.  Poor hot water out and layer jar with jalapeno, cauliflower, and carrots; when pickling liquid has cooled, pour over vegetables, in the glass container, mildly shake container, with lid on, cool, and refrigerate.  The vegetables will last for months refrigerated.



Buy the freshest and cleanest cauliflower you can find; you do not want to make this dish with a cauliflower that is showing those small brown spots, which announce that it is going bad.


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My Cuban Oregano


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